Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day 9

Today we had to leave Tovutovu.  It was really hard say goodbye to Elizabeth and the others because they took such good care of us while we were there.  After eating breakfast we had tp wait till 11:30 till we headed out to the plane. I made the mistake of drinking a lot of water before getting on the plane.  I thought I was going to pee myself in the middle of the flight. When we landed I literally sprinted towards the nearest restroom.  After getting that business taken care of, I met a woman named Mrs. Bottom.  She was another photography teacher at MHS, but she retired.  She is is a very nice and interesting person, and knows a great deal about photography.  I hope I can learn a lot from her.  After meeting with he for a while, we l grabbed our luggage and got on the bus towards Mango Bay.  Our group made a detour to an ecosystem conservatory. It was amazing, we got to hold chameleons and I even got to wear a snake around my neck. We also got a tour of the facility.  They had many awesome birds such as hawks, owls, love birds, Collareds, etc.  My favorites were the Collareds, barn owls, parrots, and the peacock.  After a while, we got back in the bus and headed to Mango Bay. When we got there we immediately had dinner.  The dinner honestly looked a lot better than it tasted.  It tasted ok, but only ok.  We then all headed off to bed.

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